Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tardy Me

Well I have been a bad blog poster, but I am back in the saddle! The 1/2 marathon was a bit of a disappointment for me but I am super proud of you my ziglet!! you were fantastic! Getting to see you was worth falling of my pace for the last 4 miles.. sigh.

I ate some of my dark chocolate with almonds and sea salt last night. I tell you- you cannot go wrong with chocolate and sea salt. The almonds just send it over the top. I cant believe there is no milk in it either! delish.

My shin-y shin shin is still feeling weird.. my runs the past two days have felt odd. I cant seem to run my normal pace. Hoping its just temporary. How long are you going this weekend? I will have to run at the beach again as we are going there for Dan's city-to-shore bike race. I think I might do 18. With the water bottle belt. No cleaning this time (so hopefully no soapy water!). I'm starting the book "The Help" on my ipod for long runs. I've heard its fantastic. Should be a good distraction : )

I like the Philly Inquirer article! So true. Screw carbo loading. We like our BLT sandwiches! : )

I like twitter too- thanks for intro-ing me!

The Kale frittata/ saute thing sounds ok. I think it sounds better than the chips. I just feel like I am eating seaweed when I eat kale. I just bought some purple (yes- purple!) sweet potatoes at the farmers market they put on at my office. They are long and very skinny- I have never seen anything like them. I will roast them and make a balsamic-maple syrup mash. MMM

I wish you didnt have your reunion right after the marathon- we could plan such a wonderful day of feasting....

Miss you...
And lets plan a "20" for Oct 17!!!


  1. For a good hour-ish long podcast, listen to KCRW's Good Food. It is free to download on Itunes podcast page. Also look up The Splendid Table and Earth Eats.
