Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pickin it up

Dansko clogs- oh no!! what a mess we are....My shin is feeling ok, I just have this weird gait issue/ body stiffness that makes me feel like I can go no faster than a 9 minute mile. I ran with my friend Tess from work today and we did 6 1/2 miles with two 1 mile pick ups in the middle. That reminded me that I can (painfully) run faster than 9 min. I think this weekend will make me feel better.

I'm sure your foot is FINE- you couldnt have injured it during that race alone?! however, do some RICE-ing and get that advil!! I know that Wednesday farmers markets are more important, but try to get some before this weekend : ) Speaking of which, I love how we think the same way about weekend travel/ bring out of our routine. Poor you with no tea kettle!!! And wine= totally legit obstacle : ) We will definitely make up for it during our peak training back to back Milliga (Mills and Ziga) runs in October. No worries there. I think I might try to do 12-14 this weekend but I am at the shore again (Dan is doing a 50 mile bike to the shore) so it always sucks to do mileage there.. get out the book on ipod.

Be strong!!! and heal fast. I think X-training is best for now.

Yours in Running,  : P

Mer Figlet

PS-- They just wanted to fit in with the massive amounts of canadian geese on the path. Speaking of which, I totally saw one of the geese drinking out of this bowl of water that a nice old man puts out for the dogs on hot days. And then the stupid thing pooped right next to the bowl- BLEH.That's why I support my grandmother poking holes in the eggs so those birds cant reproduce at her pond! : P

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jokes on me.

Hi Buddy,

Well, we can pop advil and ice together after our "slower than normal" runs this week. I mostly cross trained with little 2 mile jogs (to the gym and back) Monday and Tuesday, feeling mostly physically fine, except for one thing: the outside of my left foot. I even wore dansko clogs to work this week instead of something more...ahem...stylish. anyway not good. Josh assures me I am fine. I am worried. It kind of aches. This is not the time I want to have to take off. I ran this morning, and whats weird is it doesn't hurt as bad while running - or that is in my head - and yeah I was going slower than normal. I hate when other chicks pass me. Dudes, okay, chicks? no.

Anyway here's to hoping that it is really not serious. I still have to try advil, I don't have any right now and haven't been to the drug store (lazy, busy, etc). And tonight I have to pack for this wedding. We are leaving tomorrow after work to ride the bus to Josh's house in NJ, then driving up to Cooperstown Friday morning. All fine, except it means I have to run out of my element with many obstacles (wedding, wine, family, other people's driving schedules, hotel rooms, no tea pot) for the whole weekend. So honestly I do not know how much I can get in for a long run. Ideally I would do at least 16-18 on Saturday morning, before the wedding, and then take a deserved Sunday off- but will I be too tired to last through a wedding ceremony or too hungry to not-eat-so-much-so-I-fit-into-my-dress? ugh. and the foot.

As for food news, I too bought some sweet potatoes from our office farm market table, they set one up on Wednesdays too! Not purple though. I have been craving all things in the root veg category for some reason.

Anyway, this weekend was lots of fun, and I am glad we have completed the first big phase. This next part is definitely the toughest and I am glad I have you to help me get through it, as always.

luv, your buddy, ziga

p.s. there were a lot of males making "duck" noises during the race.

Tardy Me

Well I have been a bad blog poster, but I am back in the saddle! The 1/2 marathon was a bit of a disappointment for me but I am super proud of you my ziglet!! you were fantastic! Getting to see you was worth falling of my pace for the last 4 miles.. sigh.

I ate some of my dark chocolate with almonds and sea salt last night. I tell you- you cannot go wrong with chocolate and sea salt. The almonds just send it over the top. I cant believe there is no milk in it either! delish.

My shin-y shin shin is still feeling weird.. my runs the past two days have felt odd. I cant seem to run my normal pace. Hoping its just temporary. How long are you going this weekend? I will have to run at the beach again as we are going there for Dan's city-to-shore bike race. I think I might do 18. With the water bottle belt. No cleaning this time (so hopefully no soapy water!). I'm starting the book "The Help" on my ipod for long runs. I've heard its fantastic. Should be a good distraction : )

I like the Philly Inquirer article! So true. Screw carbo loading. We like our BLT sandwiches! : )

I like twitter too- thanks for intro-ing me!

The Kale frittata/ saute thing sounds ok. I think it sounds better than the chips. I just feel like I am eating seaweed when I eat kale. I just bought some purple (yes- purple!) sweet potatoes at the farmers market they put on at my office. They are long and very skinny- I have never seen anything like them. I will roast them and make a balsamic-maple syrup mash. MMM

I wish you didnt have your reunion right after the marathon- we could plan such a wonderful day of feasting....

Miss you...
And lets plan a "20" for Oct 17!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

did you read this in the Inquirer?


Hey kale hater-

just had some sauteed, add sprinkle salt, crack eggs over, sprinkle generously with Pecorino or Parmesan, cover, let eggs cook. eat with good bread or crispy crackers. I still need to try the oven roasted chip version.

luv, ziga

Saturday, September 18, 2010


it's tomorrow!!! ahh!!!! (well the first 13.1) !!!!!!!!! so excited!

Monday, September 13, 2010


How do you feel about 6:50-6:55 mile pace?

Do your hammies hurt? Mine are sore. Need a massage :)

hope you had a nice nyc visit.

Did I tell you I found a goat cheese called Lil Ziggy? it was pretty funky.


i still have toenails, however feet are not...pretty

though, they never were in college either.

I tried my fanny pack looking water bottle over the weekend and I hate it. Not the idea of having a nice sip of water, but the feel and look of the thing. It is supposed to fit all nice in the small of my back and it bounces around - I ended up carrying the bottle in my hand.

I ran a 4 mile race for a tempo workout this Saturday in Central Park - it was good, I have been afraid that I cannot go fast at all, and I wanted to see if I could do a faster tempo (even if for only 4 miles!) but ran a 25:54, so weirdly 6:29's average. I wish I could do that for 13.1 and 26.2. I am excited for this weekend. We need to plan out our details!

For weekly runs I have been doing between 8-12, but my weekly mileage has been hovering between 35-45 miles mostly, so I have been throwing in a few cross training days. I haven't done a completely long run yet. My schedule on my phone I put in has me working up to 20 before the marathon but only once. This past weekend, the day of the 4 miler, I ran 13, then Sunday ran about 10. I am about to go xtrain before work now............

The one thing I need to do really is abs. holy crap some of the girls in the race had crazy abs. I want those (again?? dare I say) - -

love you, I hope your foot feels better, soon! we need to have a phone date this week to discuss this weekend!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Let's make a bet about who will lose a toenail before Nov 21st

Because I'm pretty sure I will win. These long runs are killing my little toes! My second toe is all black and blue. War scars...
How many miles have you been running on weekly runs? I cant get past 6 milers even though my plan suggests 7 milers. But the 18 miler this past weekend certainly upped my numbers! I listened to a book on tape to get through it.
I tried my new bottle belt- funny story.. washed it out before I ran with it and I must not have rinsed in completely. I went to drink my propel at mile six and finished with a mouth of bubbles!! Not the refreshment I was looking for : )  I will have to try it again for the big 20-miler coming up in a few weeks!
Hope you had a nice Labor Day too!