Wednesday, January 12, 2011

9 weeks til NYC!

 I am incredibly out of shape and just realized how little I have moved since the big 26.2! I have to say that the recovery from the marathon was minimal compared to what I expected (I felt completely normal by day 3) but I feel like we never got a chance to download on what an incredible mind-f the race was!!! Oh my gosh I just finally looked at my GPS watch splits from the race and miles 18-22 were so downhill.. ugh.. i kept telling myself, just finish, you know you can finish, but you will not make Boston. And then with 4 miles left something inside me clicked and I just went for it. My legs rotated in the right rhythm and my mind was focused away from the pain and I just went.. It didnt hurt that the Philly Phanatic was at the bottom of the last .75 miles to give me a high five! : ) Wow though, I really didnt think I could do it for awhile.. All I can say is glad its over!
  And on to the next.. I am not nearly training enough yet, but this one will just be a warm up. I am also signed up for a late May triathlon (same one I did last year) so the half marathon will just be the beginning. We should really keep our eyes out for a good late fall/ winter race to warm up for Boston- thoughts?

I just got a new camera for Xmas so I will have to take some shots of running weather.. this snow sucks!!! : P
Stay warm out there.. lots of love!!! - your running pal

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Wow, it's 2011.

can you believe it?

Thank you for my gift! I did not get an issue yet, but I got a lil card.

And I wanted to start this business up again, since the NYC half-marathon is in less than 3 months!!!!

I am beginning to be a bit more serious after being a bit more lazy after our Boston qualifying efforts in November. When I think of it I will have to post the link here to our results.

I am on my way home from work now, but I will hopefully talk to you soon.

Miss you, and Happy New Year and Christmas, too.

luv, Ziga