Saturday, November 20, 2010

In 24 hours, we will be Marathoners!!!

I cannot contain my excitement! What a crazy ride its been over the past few months, but I feel ready for this. The weather today is so perfect and I think tomorrow is going to be the same. I ran with Runner's World at the rocky steps (saw a little blurb about the marathon in the December issue and it had a note that they were doing a shake out run in Philly this AM). I of course ran with this cool old guy half the time who was asking me about my favorite parts of the magazine and I had no clue who he was- just figured he was one of the runners world contributors. Everyone started taking their pictures with him at the end, and I whispered to someone to ask who he was.

Freaking Bart Yasso!!!

He told us all to be very conservative in the first half because if you can be strong in the last 10K then you will really break it down.. because you will be passing so many people that it will give you incredible strength. That is my goal- to not hit the wall! : ) I'm planning on running with the 3:40 pace group for the first half and then breaking it down for the second if I feel good.

Did you sign up your parents/ Josh for the text messages of you hitting each 5 mile mark? Its kind of confusing. ..but should be cool if it works.

I'm planning on wearing capri tights, tee, gloves (long sleever at beginning to throw in the donation box).

I'm just ready for that starting line... trying to relax and hydrate today but its hard to sit still!!!! I have been trying to eat really well all week and I feel strong and not at all heavy from the taper. little pains in the shoulder (which is what wraps around to my heart- phys therapist assured me its not heart related, just muscular) and in my shin, but overall the shin splints are feeling much better. I have been doing advil 2 x day so that has helped.

Well, I'm off to hydrate more... cant wait to see you this afternoon for the Expo!

Last note before go time??

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Track your Favorite Runner!

will write more later, but make sure you sign up your family and friends!!!

its free : )

Oh and also, will you and your parents and Josh be hanging out a bit after the race or are you all going right to the family reunion? Just want to plan if I will have company! : ) And let me know what time you will arrive on Saturday...



Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Holy Taper, Batman.

I am in a bit of a state of disbelief. Or fear. It is just so weird that the marathon is this Sunday. This Sunday!!! Holy hell!! That's 4 days away, generously counting Sunday as a day.

I was feeling a bit slow and sluggish on my Saturday run, so Monday morning I did like a faster pace for a couple miles, about 7 min pace, felt good, but am worried about sustaining goal pace. Which, I was on crack or was temporarily not able to do math when I signed up for this... I said my predicted time was 3:15:00! That is running 7:30s which is crazy. I'm in the 2nd coral with that. Honestly I would be thrilled to pull that time off, but I really just want to break 3:30:00.

I am prob running 4 tomorrow, 3 Friday, and like 2 on Saturday?? Some people say take sat off, but I think I'll feel better loosening up.

I had a nightmare the other night that I woke up and I missed the starting time. I think I was in my parents house looking at the kitchen clock making tea and was just super upset. I hope that is the only one, although a lot o people say they have hitting the wall nightmares.

I think I'm wearing the shorts and top I wore for the half. With gloves prob. We can wear clothes we want to donate into the coral for warm up, and put them in the donate bins right before the race. I think I may do that-

I am pumped but nervous and ready to finally conquer this race - I keep thinking o the two mantras that helped me the most during college:

1. From you, "where do you you want to be?"
2. From coach, at sr. yr conference 10k, "you could run this pace all night"

And one from Carl for humor, "be fierce! Grrrrrr!"


I may not be in the 10k-shape, size 0, sports bra and butt-huggers-confident that I was back then, but I did work for this race and I am so happy we really do get to share our first marathons! It is certainly a long time coming!

Keep popping those advil, I know I'll down a couple pre-race. Are you still having chest pain?
I hope not.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Felt good this weekend!

I hope you felt as strong and good as I did this weekend! Advil 2 times a day is helping the little shin and my body is feeling rested : )

I got my race number and I am number 3031 in corral 3 (my predicted finish time was 3:33)... so overall, I've got lucky 3's on my side!!!

I wanted to try and figure out the service where you can send your family members texts as you cross certain mile markers/ check points, but I didnt see anything about that on the website, did you? I hope they still do it...

Love the weather report!! Super excited to run this thing and just get it under our belts : )

Mer Figgy


I owe you a better post, but had to update you on a few items:

1. I am registered for NYC half!!!! March 20 here we come!

2. Sunday weather so far so good! 58 and sunny for the high! Morning will be chilly, but great for us runners!

More to come....

Friday, November 12, 2010

Nightmares, Weather, and The Mills Inn- AKA the ONE WEEK Countdown!

So I had a really fantastic dream the other night that I was running the marathon, bopping along, stopping to refuel and eat...sandwiches.. (yes, you heard me right, sandwiches) and before I knew it I had hit the half marathon mark.. at 3 hours and 40 minutes! My family was so relieved to see me because they thought I had collapsed or something! All I can say is.. the real thing better go more smoothly! : )

The weather is looking pretty good! 54 and sunny- just like it was last year and that was SOOO nice. I feel like most people last year wore shorts and a tee and then layered a long sleever on top and threw it off a little into the race. I think that's what I will do (and wear my number on the short sleeve t) but it is very stressful to not be able to plan out my outfit! I can't believe you havent worn tights yet.. I totally broke those out. I'm a wimp! I hear that folic acid is supposed to help with circulation so I bought some.. we'll see if that works this winter!

And OF COURSE you will have no choice but to stay at The Mills Inn! Who will I be nervous with if you arent there? My little brother is coming to stay Saturday night and I told him he must be respectful of those of us who will be going to bed at 9 PM!!! : ) Do you want to do our traditional Mug Shots dinner? I will also promise to be better about getting actual food in my house for breakfast! So let me know if you want any special yogurt, oatmeal, etc. I was just going to grab GU's during the race since they supply them- have you been using them on your training runs at all?

And we can definitely go to the race expo on Saturday- no problem there.

I am still feeling injured.. actually had to stop my run short yesterday because my shin muscle was feeling like it was pulling away from the bone. In addition, I have had this weird pain that runs from the back of my left shoulder to the front part of my chest- right in front of my heart- for the last 3-4 weeks. It mostly hurts right when I start running but has now started to hurt even when I'm just sitting around or casually walking. It freaks me out because its right near my heart and lungs, but my physical therapist says it should just be muscular and maybe is a pinched nerve.

Either way, I am totally ready for this marathon to be OVER so that I can enjoy my winter cooking and crafting and getting ready for Xmas! It will be nice to take a little break from running and do some cross training.

What is your workout plan next week? I might do some 400 m pickups on Tuesday.. I think we are supposed to take it pretty easy and REST REST REST. I know how hard it is to do that but I have to!! I need to just relax and not be stressed and eat well and sleep- big time.

I am ready to rock this thing!!!!! Hope you are too : )

Excited to see you in one week!

Successfully Registered

New York...Here we come!

Dear Meredith Mills,
We have received your application for the 2011 NYC Half-Marathon. Your entry number is 686578. Please include this number and your name in any correspondence pertaining to the race.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Two Weeks.

Oh boy.

I write this on the eve of the NYC Marathon. All the excitement for the Marathon up here is making me excited and nervous.......anxious to go.

We have two weeks. SO crazy. I am starting to freak out about details. like, What are you going to wear?!!??! It is going to be in the 30's tomorrow morning for the INGNYCers. I was reading something that said if it is under 50 to wear tights? I don't know I have successfully not worn full tights yet on a run. My hands have definitely gotten a little numb.

Do you want to go to the EXPO on Friday? I was thinking of trying to leave work early, like half day style and get back to Philly, early enough to relax. I have to check with Josh and my boss to see if this is okay. If not, we'll have to go on Saturday? What do you think?

So Josh is coming back with me. We are staying with my parents Friday night, and Josh is staying there Saturday night, but I was hoping that I could check into The Miles Behind Us guest quarters at the Mills Inn and Suite for Saturday night so we could have a similar routine as the Half???? If you want me out of your hair - I will do so..........

I am impressed by your Penn State Football survival story. I think I would have walked to whatever hotel I could find with a closet vacant. haha. I told Josh your story, and he too was impressed. I suppose you are now ready to run a marathon! :)


I did my last Lonnggg run last Saturday, I was super anxious about it, the running group I ran a few Saturday mornings with was already tapering for tomorrow's race, so I was going to face 20+ on my own. I did a map my run, turns out I hit about 22+. I went for three hours. I drank a lot of apple cider and kombucha to compensate afterward. I felt kind of awful the rest of the day, tried to nap, while Josh constructed bald caps for our Halloween costumes. And then I had to go to a Halloween party at his friend from work's apartment in Manhattan. Ugh. I should have just opted out and slept.

My legs felt fine after the run, except for a bit of creekiness. But Sunday, I was hurting. I took advil and pulled out a giant ice bag I made from the freezer. For the first time during all this business I felt knee pain. I was super nervous it would be bad news. And like a miracle, by Wednesday it seemed fine. I had made pumpkin feta muffins on Sunday afternoon to have for the week, so maybe they actually helped my knee!

Oh I meant to tell you my variations on that recipe:

use chopped cooked kale in place of spinach, as you mentioned you were not a kale fan, this will change your mind.

Also, I made them once with a grated goat cheddar instead of feta (cheddar and kale are so good together btw), and these were great.

And each time I have made these I have used alternate flours, a combo of Oat (1 1/4 C) and Corn Flour (3/4 C). I really like the flavors of these.

And I have been using chopped walnuts instead of the seeds since I always have raw walnuts around (they are supposed to improve your mood via the Omegas :) )

I took today off today, with plans on doing a run tomorrow morning and considering going up to central park to catch the end of the marathon. I slept for 9+ hours last night (that is rare as hell for me-) so I felt like I needed a good day of no running activity. It was quiet (Josh was at his own boy College football weekend, not F and M of course ha.), but nice. Sunny gorgeous fall day. I slept in (til 8:30, was magical, the sun was already shining), woke up and did not have to put on running clothes right away, and put on jeans instead! Gathered my canvas bags, and walked to the big Farmers Market that I usually miss Saturdays. I bought 4 squashes, and goat feta. So excited.

I took a nice walk to watch the last 6 pm sunset for 6 months, sigh. Dark at 4, here we come. I guess this is part of why being a morning runner pre-work is better than running post-work at 7 pm.

And I never have liked tapering. haha. I am hoping to at least increase the sleep hours.

Can't wait to celebrate our accomplishments, soon, with planning more races :) Did you really want to plan a February SC? and the 2011 NYC Fall? Would you consider a June vacation?

in luv, running, and Boston 2012 hopes,


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

watch out for wildlife

PS- I forgot to tell you!!!
On Friday when I was doing 10 miles in the darkness of the fall morning, a GIANT and I mean GIANT buck with like 8 points on his antlers ran towards me on west rive (martin luther king) drive!!!! It was so freaky because it was pitch black outside with just a few street lights and I have never seen a giant deer like that, especially in the city. My heart was pounding afterwards, but I was at least glad that he made it across the road without getting hit.

I should have been wearing my heart rate monitor- that would have been exciting! : )

Hope you see some less-wild wildlife on your next adventure...

aches and pain and darkness....

Only a few weeks remain!!! my smartcoach is giving me the countdown and it is both a relief and an anxiety. My shin muscle may fall off the bone before we get to race day. Luckily, I am going to my orthotics dr this week. Your knee may do the same....but who needs two knees to run?
What is wrong with your tummy??

too too too many pumpkin feta muffins.

So here is a real definition of a nightmare in the Karen Ziga/ Mer Mills world:
I spent this past weekend in an RV. Not just an RV, an RV with 5 other people, at a Penn State game, from 5 PM Friday until 5 PM Sunday. AND I SURVIVED!!!!! High five, right?
Here was the menu (boys went grocery shopping): bacon, eggs, wonder bread, white rolls, 3 different kinds of chips, and entire bowl of halloween candy, burgers, cheese....and 4 cases of beer.

I managed to get 10 miles in Fri AM and another 8 in on Saturday, but it really was less than I was supposed to do. Dan and I slept on the dining room table "bed" which was only 5 1/2 ft long.

But, you know what, I made the best of it. I had fun, didnt drink a lot, and tried to get a bit of sleep.
And Dan took me to Sheetz to get a sandwich that wasnt made with wonder bread :)

Overall, I was proud of myself for facing the challenge head on.
Now there's just that pesky marathon.... : )

Love you!