Friday, November 12, 2010

Nightmares, Weather, and The Mills Inn- AKA the ONE WEEK Countdown!

So I had a really fantastic dream the other night that I was running the marathon, bopping along, stopping to refuel and eat...sandwiches.. (yes, you heard me right, sandwiches) and before I knew it I had hit the half marathon mark.. at 3 hours and 40 minutes! My family was so relieved to see me because they thought I had collapsed or something! All I can say is.. the real thing better go more smoothly! : )

The weather is looking pretty good! 54 and sunny- just like it was last year and that was SOOO nice. I feel like most people last year wore shorts and a tee and then layered a long sleever on top and threw it off a little into the race. I think that's what I will do (and wear my number on the short sleeve t) but it is very stressful to not be able to plan out my outfit! I can't believe you havent worn tights yet.. I totally broke those out. I'm a wimp! I hear that folic acid is supposed to help with circulation so I bought some.. we'll see if that works this winter!

And OF COURSE you will have no choice but to stay at The Mills Inn! Who will I be nervous with if you arent there? My little brother is coming to stay Saturday night and I told him he must be respectful of those of us who will be going to bed at 9 PM!!! : ) Do you want to do our traditional Mug Shots dinner? I will also promise to be better about getting actual food in my house for breakfast! So let me know if you want any special yogurt, oatmeal, etc. I was just going to grab GU's during the race since they supply them- have you been using them on your training runs at all?

And we can definitely go to the race expo on Saturday- no problem there.

I am still feeling injured.. actually had to stop my run short yesterday because my shin muscle was feeling like it was pulling away from the bone. In addition, I have had this weird pain that runs from the back of my left shoulder to the front part of my chest- right in front of my heart- for the last 3-4 weeks. It mostly hurts right when I start running but has now started to hurt even when I'm just sitting around or casually walking. It freaks me out because its right near my heart and lungs, but my physical therapist says it should just be muscular and maybe is a pinched nerve.

Either way, I am totally ready for this marathon to be OVER so that I can enjoy my winter cooking and crafting and getting ready for Xmas! It will be nice to take a little break from running and do some cross training.

What is your workout plan next week? I might do some 400 m pickups on Tuesday.. I think we are supposed to take it pretty easy and REST REST REST. I know how hard it is to do that but I have to!! I need to just relax and not be stressed and eat well and sleep- big time.

I am ready to rock this thing!!!!! Hope you are too : )

Excited to see you in one week!

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